Page 90 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 90

90              Year in review

                         Rainer Zimmermann

                         My first visit to Sinsheim was already a few           all-day flight demonstrations and hundreds of aircraft
                         days after the opening in May 1981. In the             on display. A visit to Lufthansa Technik at the aircraft
                         following years I visited the museum as a              maintenance of Frankfurt Airport was also among the
                         fan of technology from time to time. I did my          highlights for me. The most eventful trip, however, was
                         military service in the German Air Force. The          to Moscow in 2013. Highlights included a visit to Star
                         training included the recognition of all kinds         City, the cosmonaut training center, together with
                         of aircraft of the Warsaw Pact. This                   Buran pilot Igor Volk, the Space Museum and the
                         also finally awakened my enthusiasm for                German Embassy. On the trips and excursions one got
                         aircraft technology. So after my military ser-         to meet members of former appointments again and
                         vice I joined the friends‘ association in March        again – and until today I am in contact with some of
                         1988.                                                  them. Here I also got to know Jürgen Michels. He was
                                                                                substantial for the founding of the museum in Speyer
                         One year later Mr. Böckle initiated museum             and the acquisition of the large Antonov AN-22
                         trips. My first participation was in May 1990          transport aircraft. In total, I participated in 53 museum
                         to Prague - where I also got to know other             trips, day trips and theater visits to Jagsthausen.
                         members of the association personally for              Unfortunately, the trips and excursions were
                         the first time. In this city, so shortly after         discontinued in 2017, which many members missed.
                         the fall of the Iron Curtain still strongly            Since joining the association, I have attended every
                         influenced by socialism, I recognized some             general meeting. One meeting in particular has remained
                         aircraft types from my training as an                  in my memory: Hermann Layher presented the „Brutus“
                         airspace observer in a museum of                       to the participants. The vehicle was just finished at that
                         technology. Further trips took me through              time and I think not even presented to the public yet. I
                         Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France,          will never forget the moment when the engine started.
                         Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, England,            Every time at BRAZZELTAG, when the crowd stands
                         Scotland, the Netherlands, Belgium,                    around Brutus and it comes to life I remember that first
                         Luxembourg and Russia. In the process,                 time. From the faces in the audience you can see exactly
                         there often were extraordinary experiences.            who has not yet experienced the awakening of Brutus.
                         Highlights included a visit to NATO                    Since I don’t live far from the museums, I visit them se-
                         headquarters in Brussels with a personal               veral times a year, usually at events. So far, I took part at
                         meeting with Secretary General at that time,           all occasions of BRAZZELTAG. For me, it always is
                         Manfred Wörner. Visits to technical and                an experience to see the most different vehicles and
                         military museums often provided insights               devices in action. There is something new to discover
                         into non-public areas, including the                   every year.
                         Concorde exhibitions in England and France.
                         Twice we flew from Zurich-Dübendorf in                 The space activities in Speyer are always very special
                         Ju-Air‘s JU 52; in England at the Dorset               events. Especially the lecture of Alexander Gerst in the
                         Steam Team, the largest gathering of                   space hall which attracted thousands of visitors will
                         steam-powered vehicles, or the „Royal Inter-           always remain in my memory. Here I get to meet former
                         national Air Tatoo“ air show with                      friends and colleagues from the association whom I met
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