Page 88 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 88

88              Year in review

                              René Gießübel

                              „My museum‘s story“ may not be                         Even then they
                              spectacular - I neither have a favorite                were (or still are?)
                              exhibit nor can I claim to have a very                 the ultimate dream
                              close relationship with the Technik Museum.            cars, like the Lam-
                              Nevertheless, I associate many deep                    borghini Countach,
                              memories and emotions with museums                     the DeTomaso Pan-
                              and their exhibits. And I have a little                tera or the Ferrari
                              treasure in the garage myself.                         Testarossa.

                              In 2014, I moved from Bonn to this area.               In the meantime I
                              Looking for activities in the surrounding area,        have become very
                              I quickly came across the Technik Museums.             enthusiastic about
                              After all, I had already been there as a child.        motorsports (both
                              You certainly don‘t forget the airplanes on            current and clas-
                              the roof once you‘ve seen them!                        sic motorsports)
                              But what was to come was the spectacular               and there are even
                              transport of the Buran across the Rhine!               more beauties to see. One of my favourites here is the
                              On that occasion, my father and I drove to             Tyrrell P34, which I have also been looking for a long
                              Hersel on the Rhine (not 15 minutes away               time as a model for my slot car (model contruction)
                              from my parents‘ house). I still remember              racetrack.
                              exactly how we stood there in the cold
                              and waited anxiously for the transport.                Of course, I have also been to the BRAZZELTAG
                              Today I live about in the middle of Speyer             several times. I will never forget the first time I stood
                              and Sinsheim. Even before I visited the                in the engine room of the rescue cruiser when the
                              museum properly, I only went as far as                 engine was started! I think the idea of the living
                              the foyer in Sinsheim to sign up for a                 museum is simply fantastic, and it was precisely these
                              membership in the sponsoring association.              activities and the self-image associated with them that
                              And now, every time I walk through the                 were one of the reasons why I didn‘t think twice about
                              museum halls many fond childhood                       supporting the whole thing by becoming a member of
                              memories come back: For example, as a                  the sponsoring association.
                              child, I saw my favorite locomotives here
                              for the first time (my father‘s Märklin                And that brings us to my little treasure in the garage.
                              railroad „in real life“) the class 18 Baden            Here is where you will find my first car, in my
                              express locomotive, the „crocodile“ and the            possession since my 18th birthday: a Citroën 2CV 6,
                              „streamline locomotive“. I would have loved            B. 1989. With this I have already experienced a lot:
                              to climb on each one of them immediately               I was on various car meetings, drove it to the
                              back then. Memories of the spinning wheels             Normandy, to Sweden and to the 2CV world meeting
                              and linkage also came back as well as one              in Austria. Unfortunately, I could not take it with me
                              of the many music machines playing all day.            when I moved. Especially on BRAZZELTAG I wanted
                              These and the Bugatti Type 57 „Ventoux“                to be able to participate not only as a visitor, but as a
                              were certainly my mother‘s favorite exhibits.          participant with my favourite car! I had even considered
                              And as a child, of course, the airplanes with          asking if there was some space free somewhere in the
                              the great slides were absolutely amazing for           museum - despite some rust and slightly roof full of
                              me!                                                    holes. After all, there is no such car model at the
                                                                                     museum yet! Meanwhile, the Citroën 2CV „lives“ with
                              Also the astronaut‘s food (which has                   me: The car joined us during our move on a three-day
                              unfortunately dried up in the meantime)                ride along the Rhine in the summer of 2020. I was
                              and the whole space technology thrilled me             surprised how many people smiled and waved at us
                                           as a child. Today, I am fair to say       along the way. And as you know, technology is always
                                           that I can actually appreciate            associated with emotions! Now I am pretty certain
                                           the whole thing properly. And             nothing will stand in the way of taking part at
                                           of course it was great to see the         BRAZZELTAG.
                                           Buran up close at its destination.
                                           In general, I have a passion for
                                           automobiles: I used to have
                                           many of the exhibited vehicles
                                           as model cars (Matchbox).
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