Page 68 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 68

68              Year in review

                      At BRAZZELTAG
                           in Speyer,
                        her favourite
                           event, she
                     is overwhelmed.

                       Nobody had expected the museum‘s quick                           followers and streaming services. Virtual events
                       success. The museum opened in Sinsheim                           are preferred to face-to-face meetings and
                       six months after the founding meeting in                         continue to be very common and „liked“.
                       December 1980. It was decided that we
                       would meet again in six months and finally                       Since late 2019, the terrible Covid-19
                       decide whether we should close the                               pandemic has had severe impact on the
                       museum as a large garage or whether we                           entire world. Closing the museums in Sinsheim
                       should really give full throttle. After only                     and in Speyer for months was very hard for
                       three months, the military department was                        us all. For the first time during my term as
                       opened, doubling the exhibition area.                            „Minister of Finance“ we had to apply for public
                                                                                        funds. We are grateful that these funds were
                       When the museum in Sinsheim first                                paid out fast and that we were able to retain the
                       opened in 1981, neither were there cell                          jobs of all our employees. In this context,
                       phones, smartphones, tablets, nor Internet,                      I would also like to thank our tax office
                       Facebook and Instagram. There was only                           Bayh + Partner from Waiblingen, who have
                       public television with ARD, ZDF and the                          been providing our association with
                       regional TV channels. The first private                          trustworthy advice and support since
                       television station, RTL, was founded in 1984.                    the museum‘s foundation.
                       Updated daily, the media world today is bla-
                       zing fast with YouTube movies, social media
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