Page 41 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 41

#fürfansvonfans   41


                                We needed


                              unique  –
                              like the Soviet space glider Buran.

                 Our technician colleagues spent months disas-
                 sembling and reassembling the aircraft. In 2003,
                 it was finally done: the Lufthansa Boeing 747 was
                 erected at a height of about 20 meters.
                 In the following years, the houseboat of the
                 Kelly Family, Sean O‘Kelley, and the two
                 Canadair firefighting aircraft followed, as did the
                 grand opening of the Sinsheim Hotel and the first
                 negotiations in Bahrain - because we already
                 had our sights set on the next exhibit. Finally, the
                 entire exhibition was still missing the technology
                 around space travel. And here we didn‘t want
                 to be the same again, we needed something
                 unique - like the Soviet space glider Buran.
                 Here, also, a museum‘s member drew our
                 attention to the possible exhibit.

                 From Bahrain to Speyer
                 What seemed unproblematic at first ended up in
                 a legal battle that lasted for years: the ownership
                 rights had to be clarified. Thanks to the
                 Russian as well as the German embassy and
                 the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the
                 transport from the other side of the world could
                 finally start on March 6, 2008. From the Arabian
                 Gulf, it headed for the Red Sea. Leaving the Suez
                 Canal behind, the ship set course for the Strait of
                 Gibraltar. It then sailed past Portugal and France,
                 through the English Channel to Rotterdam.
                 From there, the Buran sailed up the Rhine on
                 a pontoon to Speyer. In the meantime, we
                 prepared a hall for the new exhibit. Today, this
                 space hall houses Europe‘s largest exhibition for
                 manned space flight. On an area of more than
                 5,000 square meters, we show about 600
                 unique exhibits documenting the history of space
                 travel from its beginnings, in the early 1960s,
                 to the current International Space Station ISS.
                 In 2013, the space exhibition „Apollo and
                 Beyond“ was supplemented by the thematic
                 area „The Moon“ - with a 3.4 billion year old
                 moonstone as a highlight.

                 There was no end to the transports. So, for
                 Speyer‘s 20th birthday, there was a permanent
                 loan from the German Society for the Rescue of
                 Castaways: the rescue cruiser John T. Essberger.
                 Every year, this ship ceremoniously opens our
                 popular technology festival, the BRAZZELTAG,
                 with its signal horn. This event was created on
                 the occasion of the 30th and 20th anniversary of
                 the museums. Always on the second weekend in
                 May it is called „the museum becomes to life!“.
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