Page 28 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 28

28              Year in review

                                 We intend Hall 3 to approach younger visitors.
                                 At Technik Museum Sinsheim young people are
                                 to experience a new version of modernity. And
                                 with RED BULL WORLD OF RACING we believe
                                 to be going in the right direction. Summarizing
                                 the comments on social media, the exhibition
                                 appears to be very
                                 successful! Asking       But, unfortunately this is
                                 our fans, the special    not possible, therefore
                                 exhibition should be     we are very happy to
                                 turned into a perma-     announce that our special
                                 nent one.                exhibition RED BULL
                                                          WORLD OF RACING has
                                                          been extended for
                                                          another year!

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