Page 26 - Jahresrückblick_2021_web_engl
P. 26

26              Year in review

                                        Whether in motocross or Formula 1, in the desert or in the snow, on land,
                                        on water or in the air - Red Bull has motorsport in its DNA. Every year, hundreds
                                        of motorsport athletes around the world compete in their racing series.
                                        Countless world championship titles have already been won. Since spring 2021,
                                        we have been presenting a remarkable overview of these in the RED BULL
                                        WORLD OF RACING. This was completed just in time for our 40th anniversary of
                                        Museum Sinsheim and, as our workshop manager Holger Hamann likes to say, it
                                        had been a while since we made such lavish backdrops for a special exhibition.
                                        In the process, we set the stage for each motorsports area: only here, in the
                                        winter sports corner, can you find Daniel Bodin‘s snowmobile, with which he
                                        performed a double backflip in 2017 and was the first athlete ever   The trial biker and
                                        to do so. Right next to it, probably the toughest race in the world,   permanent member of
                                        the Dakar Rally, is waiting for you with no less than three vehic-  our sponsoring association
                                        les, first and foremost the heavyweight from 1988: a Red Bull Da-  brought his machine by
                                        kar Truck. Jumping towers of different heights, rotating platforms   personally and shot the
                                        and colorful graphics bring Hall 3 to life. Here and there you can   opening video for the
                                        still spot the tire rubs of Adrian Guggemos‘ GasGas TXT300.
                                                                                                           exhibition with it -
                                                                                                           including tire tracks.
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