Transall C 160

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At the end of the 1960s the Transall was developed as replacement for the Nord “Noratlas” which was too limited with respect to range and load capacity. The first of altogether 110 units was delivered to the German air force on 30 April 1968. The airplane has room for 93 passengers or 62 stretchers with four support persons. The maximum cargo capacity is 16,000 kg. It is planned to replace this rather old model by the Airbus A400M until 2019.

The museum exhibit was last active at the Air Transport Squadron 61 (LTG 61) in Penzing. After 12,400 flight hours, 9,046 landings and 2,583 missions it was retired in 2011 and donated to the Technik Museum Speyer. On 13 April 2011 the LTG 61 crew with Captain Josef Faut, who had flown the aircraft with the identification number 50+99 for 28 years, and squadron leader Major Markus Knoll took off with the “Good Old Lady” at Penzing for the last time and landed her safely on the airfield Speyer, from where she was transported to the neighboring premises of the museum.